View Profile Icyfire777

Age 33, Male

University of North Texas

Mesquite, TX

Joined on 6/18/07

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520 / 550
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Icyfire777's News

Posted by Icyfire777 - February 13th, 2010

Shit haha
Haven't been on here since November of last year.

Lookin to post something this month. New art style and a new flash partner so hopefully I got something good planned.

College has been SUPER hectic so I hardly have time to do anything but school work, but this Denton snow and UNT closing has allowed me time to quickly put something together.

ALSO Me and talat113 plan on making a game called "Fuck Shit Up the game The Game"
Its gonna be badass if done right, but thats more of a Summer Project.

Ok peace peoples

Posted by Icyfire777 - August 13th, 2009

Check it out. My new flash...I can't believe I actually finished it...its shocking right?



HAHA! Told You I would post something!

Posted by Icyfire777 - July 11th, 2009

Yeah well what seems to be like a curse on me, I can only submit 1 flash cartoon per year it seems e.e

Hopefully I will get out of this slump, but as of now nothin's up...Im finishin a flash cartoon....who knows? I might actually finish it lol

Yeah its going to be better than lasts years annual cartoon but hey thats for you to decide
Im out of high school so hopefully I will have a little bit more time in college....idk
thanks for carin though lol

Posted by Icyfire777 - January 31st, 2009

Trying to finish something that Im sure will knock your socks off
(what ever Im sure it won't but hey)
Its going to be a series called Icyfire Interviews
Hopefully I get a good crowd reaction with this one
EdgerAllenPwn is voicing in it again so yeah
still looking for a female voice but whatever

Just sayin Im still alive and kickin but yeah

Hope I will actually finish this cartoon and start on the other one


Posted by Icyfire777 - November 16th, 2008

Im in a collab....and IM A CO-AUTHOR! YEAH! thats right....
I know its a big deal to others but It is to me cuz its my first time so suck it =D

If you haven't heard about the Unfinished Collab you go check it out

right here

I can't for it to come out
Anyway Peace out yall

Posted by Icyfire777 - October 19th, 2008

This guy

yep a guy named ajgourlie on this website is gay.

cuz he can't come up with insults.

oh and Im still looking for a writer and background artist so yeah that would be appreciated

normally I don't this but you know whos gay?

Posted by Icyfire777 - October 13th, 2008

Yeah I figured this out when I realized that my imagination sucked
(along with my flashes) so I came to conclusion:
Its my backgrounds.
I can't come up with an idea for them

So yeah I also need a writer so that I don't have my regular "after doing this thing for some days I hate the material" and end up canceling the project.
The people I want preferably are Dallas, Texas people, but anybody will do...as long as they are SUPER

This would personally be amazing

Well just updating the journal thats all lol

Posted by Icyfire777 - July 4th, 2008

I decided to make a flash about a thought on a fourth of July party

Yeah I had to postpone my other flash the Blackman to make this one, but Im going to start it up when one of my voice actors went on vaction

So yeah Im not giving up
on it
Thanks for all the support on This flash

Posted by Icyfire777 - June 24th, 2008

and coming out with a new Flash that is way better than my first one
and is an original idea
The other flash I was suppose to come out with (Falcon Punch) got erase when my hardrive crashed
but oh well
Can't wait to finish The Blackman (name of my flash)
well we will see if its cool or not soon

Posted by Icyfire777 - November 22nd, 2007

Im coming out with a flash that is based off of a comic by =Hail-NekoYasha
link to the comic

Why am I posting this after my horrible looking first flash? I mean its not like Im famous right?
Well this one is way better.
Plus I also need to help too....:(
you see its done, except I need a female to say 1 line. thats it. and it is done.
I would apperciate it if you can help me. Just PM me anytime, or email me at icygohan777@hotmail.com

ak GL